Common questions
How long is the shipping time?
As a rule, it takes 3-5 days for standard delivery. Our products are shipped in cooperation with Spreadshirt.
Note: The estimated date is approximate, as Spreadshirt can not affect delivery companies' delivery speeds. If your order takes a significantly longer time than stated, our customer service will be happy to assist you.
What if I'm not satisfied?
Contact us and have your order number available and we'll help you. Send it back within 30 days and you will either get a new product or the money back.
Can I change or delete my order?
We can change or remove items from your order if it has not yet been processed. Contact us as soon as you detect any errors or if you changed your mind.
Is my order sent?
Once your order has been sent, you will receive a delivery confirmation to your e-mail address.
Where will my package be delivered?
If the package fits your mailbox it will usually be sent there at least when you order four or fewer items. If it´s too big for the mailbox the package will be delivered to your nearest delivery point. Then you will receive a text message to the phone number you registered.
How do I wash my Luckimi clothes?
Always wash them inside out for the print to last as long as possible and preferably before use to get the right feeling. Do not iron directly on the print but turn the garment inside out or have a thin towel between the iron and the print.